Saturday, 1 June 2013


I cannot believe that this beautiful little boy is 2! When I woke up this morning, I was taken back to that sunny June 2011 morning when we drove to the hospital and waited while this miracle of a human being was born. The anticipation, the excitement and the pure love that we felt was still so present today when I watched him climb down the stairs and run into my room with a big birthday smile on his face. It is on days like this that I realize how beautiful and how blessed my life is with Hunter in it.
Since that day, Hunter has been a constant in my life, waking me up every morning, playing with me all day and giving me a fishy kiss every night. We have had the chance to bond and become the best of friends. My heart melts when he grabs my hand because I make him feel safe. All I have ever wanted is for him to know how deeply I love him and how many hopes I have for his future.
So, today I not only celebrated the fact that this adorable boy is 2 years old, but that he has filled these past years with laughter, learning and so much love. Every day has been an adventure and never has he failed to make me smile. His unexpected arrival was nothing but a blessing for our family and I know without a doubt that he was always meant to be a part of us.
I also celebrated the fact that he has so much life ahead of him. He is so smart, so funny and SO full of love for everyone around him. He will go so incredibly far in life and I have the privilege to sit back and watch, knowing that I had a part in the man he will become.
Today (and every other day) I was the proudest Auntie of this little boy. He had a wonderful birthday, a fabulous fishy themed party with his wonderful family and now he is finally 2. This year will hold so many changes, but one thing that will not change is how immense my love is for him.
Happy Birthday Hunter Bear, Auntie will ALWAYS love you.

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